Karabakh horse.
The Karabakh Khanate was famous as the center of breeding the best horses in Transcaucasia. The Khan’s stud farm was the main nursery of purebred horses, which were not sold, but only presented as a gift “as a sign of friendship and gratitude.” Historian S. M. Bronevsky wrote that “Karabakh was famous first of all for its stud farms, and the best horses in Persia were revered as Karabakh horses”
The Karabakh horse breed “was the beauty and pride of the Caucasus until the end of the 19th century, worthy of not only a princely but also a royal saddle.” These horses were also highly valued in Russia, where they were known mainly under the name of Persian. And in Nagorno-Karabakh, this breed was called kyoglyan. Judging by the descriptions and images of the 19th century, the kyoglyan was “a bright, purebred oriental horse and could compete with the Arabian in beauty, and sometimes surpassed it in the correctness of its exterior.”

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